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Unexpected Fiancée novel Chapter 67

Chapter 67: A Near Miss on Set

"The theme, Ice and Fire, emphasizes the duality of an elegant and passionate woman. However, your performance was all about passion and lacked elegance," Jane commented calmly.

Annie was visibly displeased with Jane's critique. "I don't think so."

"Do you have any experience with commercial shoots? If not, kindly keep your opinions to yourself," Annie retorted, incredulous that Jane had the audacity to criticize her in front of so many people.

Annie believed that Jane was just a secretary, whereas she was Bruce's girlfriend. Witnessing Annie's arrogance and refusal to heed her advice, Jane smiled slightly.

"I understand that, as a spokesperson, you need to highlight the product's main feature. If you can't do that, I'll have to find someone else to replace you."

"What?" Annie was taken aback. She hadn't expected Jane to be so unyielding.

"Darling, my performance can't be that terrible, can it?" Annie looked at Bruce suggestively.

Bruce rose from his seat and approached Annie. "Jane is right. Let's do it again as she instructed."

Annie was left shocked. She had anticipated that Bruce would reprimand Jane on her behalf, but instead, he supported Jane's stance.

Annie shot Jane a wary glance, then collected herself and forced a smile. "Alright, I'll give it another shot."

However, regardless of how many attempts Annie made, Jane couldn't detect elegance in her performance.

"No!" Jane stopped Annie multiple times, providing instructions on how to execute the scene with grace. However, Annie grew increasingly uncooperative, and her performance deteriorated.

Jane's eyes, which had been warm and lovely, turned cold. She pulled Annie aside and began demonstrating the proper technique herself.

"Lower your head slightly, raise your hand gracefully, and place more emphasis on your eyes. You need to convey elegance and unattainability."

Jane stood beside Osborn, demonstrating with precision and vividness the elegance the scene required. The photographer, inspired, snapped his fingers in approval.

Osborn and Jane, both striking and seemingly a perfect match, stood side by side.

Patrick, who had been silent, suddenly rose to his feet, his eyes chillingly frigid.

As he made his way through the crowd, a strange coldness swept over those in his path. Patrick advanced directly to the set, where he drew Osborn aside, positioned himself beside Jane, and declared coldly, "I'll do it!"

"What?" Jane stared at Patrick, astonished. She couldn't fathom what had provoked Patrick this time.

Patrick shot her an angry glance and queried, "Weren't you demonstrating? I'll do the demonstration with you."

He smiled coldly.

Jane's flirtation with Osborn had obviously incensed Patrick, leading him to think that she was growing increasingly audacious. However, she had a valid excuse that worked.

Patrick couldn't stand idly by. Jane was left speechless. To her, it was only a commercial, and there was no need for Patrick to demonstrate.


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