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Unexpected Fiancée novel Chapter 71

Chapter 71: The Ultimate Proof

Patrick strode confidently into the studio, his steps measured and assured.

The impeccably tailored suit accentuated his powerful, well-built frame. His striking visage bore a slightly forbidding countenance, and his piercing gaze remained fixed ahead, exuding an air of formidable presence. His noble demeanor naturally compelled people to show him deference.

A palpable silence swept through the room as Patrick entered.

All eyes turned in unison towards the studio's entrance.

"Mr. Pansy, you've arrived just in time," Annie greeted Patrick as she confidently approached in her high heels.

Though Patrick's expression was imposing, Annie knew she needed to take the initiative to persuade him that today's mishaps were entirely Jane's fault. She had to convince him that Jane had lost the button and disrupted the progress of the advertising shoot. Annie believed that once Patrick accepted her version of events, he would make Jane's life unbearable.

With this in mind, Annie gracefully turned her back to Patrick, adopting an aggrieved expression. "Look, Mr. Pansy, this is the dress that Jane provided me."

Patrick's icy gaze fell upon Annie's dress, the conspicuous row of diamond buttons missing only the central one. His eyebrows furrowed slightly as he considered that Jane wouldn't likely make such an obvious mistake.

Sensing his silence, Annie continued her feigned distress. She pursed her lips and said, "How can I shoot in a dress like this? Moreover, Loe Studio's dresses are all custom-made. Since one button is missing, they'll need to create a replacement. We don't even know how long that might take. This whole process was derailed due to Jane's mistake. Yet, to protect herself, she's accusing me of cutting the button, deliberately delaying the shoot, and wasting my time. It's simply preposterous!"

"Why do you think it's impossible?" Jane retorted coldly.

Annie's hackles rose, and she rolled her eyes. "Don't make baseless accusations. Do you have any proof that I tampered with the dress? Before I handed it to you, I checked it thoroughly. At the time, it had all ten buttons. After you tried it on in the fitting room, one button went missing. There's no doubt that the button could only have been removed in the fitting room, deliberately snipped off. If it had merely fallen off, a thread would still be there. But no trace of a thread was found where the button used to be. This was an intentional act."

Jane continued, "As for identifying the culprit, it's pretty clear. At the time, only you and your agent were in the fitting room."

"Stop slinging mud at me!" Annie glared at Jane.


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