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Unexpected Fiancée novel Chapter 75

Chapter 75: Liquor

"Take this money," Florence retrieved a wad of cash from her wallet and handed it to Monica.

"If you complete your task successfully, you can rest assured that I will help you return to Pansy Group."

"Really?" Monica's eyes widened with hope.

Florence nodded, "Absolutely. Everything is Jane's doing. Once she's out of the picture, Patrick will remember you. You've been with Pansy Group for years. If I put in a good word for you with Patrick, you'll be able to return."

Monica gritted her teeth and accepted the money. Her heart seethed with hatred, and she was ready to go to any lengths to exact her revenge on Jane.

"That's good," Florence said with a sinister smile. She had numerous plans to deal with Jane without getting her hands dirty. With Jane out of the picture, she believed she would become Patrick's wife.

After Monica left, Florence contemplated for a moment and sent a message to Melissa, informing her that tomorrow morning at nine at Lover Lake, she would get to witness a great spectacle.

She knew that Melissa also despised Jane. If Monica failed to eliminate Jane tomorrow, Melissa could step in and continue the plan.

"Jane, just you wait!"

With everything set, Florence cheerfully went shopping with Erica. She was thrilled at the prospect of Jane's impending demise and indulged in buying items she liked.

As the day grew late, Erica suggested returning home. "Florence, should we head back now?"

Florence, however, was not in a hurry. She continued shopping, even purchasing some of the latest handbags, and then finally went home with a sense of satisfaction. She got into her car, and her driver started it.

After a while, a familiar Rolls-Royce came into her view.

"Isn't that Patrick's car?"

Florence hadn't seen Patrick since the day she begged her brother to take her to Pansy Group. She worried she might not have another chance to meet him. She never expected to come across him driving toward the suburbs.

"Quick, follow the car in front of us," Florence instructed the driver.

"Yes, Miss," he replied respectfully.

Patrick continued driving toward the suburbs, and Erica was bewildered. "Florence, where is Mr. Pansy going?"

Florence's attention remained fixed on the man in the car ahead, although they were at a considerable distance. She could tell he still appeared cold.

Then, Florence had a thought. "What's today's date?"

"It's the fifth of June," Erica replied, sounding perplexed.

Florence fell into deep thought before saying, "If I remember correctly, today is the anniversary of Patrick's father's death."

Her brother had told her that every year on this date, Patrick would visit the cemetery to pay his respects to his father.

Once he parked his car at the cemetery, Patrick walked along the winding path leading to the mountaintop.

At the summit stood a solemn tombstone, which bore the name of Patrick's father, Bradley Pansy.


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