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Unexpected Fiancée novel Chapter 83

Chapter 83: Dinner Crasher

Patrick left the police station in Morton's car, heading back to the company. An icy demeanor blanketed his handsome features as he noticed Osborn's car ahead.

As the two cars moved forward, Patrick ordered, "Follow them."

Morton, taken aback by the unexpected turn, inquired, "Aren't we returning to the office for the meeting tonight?"

Patrick's answer was stern, "Just do as I say, and cancel the meeting."

"Very well, sir."

Morton nodded, understanding that his boss was deadly serious. He began tailing Osborn's car.

Osborn had arranged a dinner for Jane at a high-end restaurant, having reserved the entire place to ensure privacy. He was well aware of the fervor of his fans, particularly the female admirers, and wanted nothing to disturb their evening.

To prevent any unwanted intrusions, Osborn had instructed the restaurant owner to deny entry to anyone else for the night.

Once seated, Osborn suggested, "What would you like, Jane? They serve the best steak here. You should give it a try."

Jane briefly glanced at the menu and replied in a distant tone, "I'll have the steak."

"Jane, is something bothering you? You don't seem happy. Is it because of what happened to Monica?" Osborn expressed his concern as he observed her troubled expression.

Jane brushed aside the idea, her smile icy. "Not at all. I don't care about such trifles."

Perplexed by her continued distress, Osborn probed further, "Then why are you in a bad mood? It can't be about what happened at Lover Lake. Is it something to do with Patrick?" Rather than responding, Jane shifted the conversation.

"By the way, you mentioned the company's future development plan. Can we take a look at it together?"

"Of course," Osborn acquiesced.

With his iPad, he presented the plan, and they delved into the discussion. Jane leaned closer to view the screen more closely, their heads nearly touching as they exchanged insights. It was during this close conversation that Patrick arrived and observed the scene through the restaurant's window.

His eyebrows furrowed as he beheld them sitting in close proximity, engaged in hushed conversation.

Jane wore a faint, contented smile, though her gaze held a piercing edge. Osborn, on the other hand, appeared oblivious to Patrick's scrutiny.

The sight irked Patrick immensely. Why were they sitting so intimately close? What was the nature of the relationship between Jane and Osborn? Patrick's resolve to intervene overcame him as he marched toward the restaurant's entrance.

The restaurant owner attempted to block his entry. "I'm sorry, sir. You can't come in. The entire restaurant has been reserved for the evening."

Patrick retorted angrily, "Get out of my way!"

His voice was laced with a cold and commanding presence, sending shivers down the owner's spine. Panic set in as he realized who was before him-Patrick Pansy, a powerful and influential figure he could ill afford to offend. Within moments, he yielded and opened the door, trembling in fear.


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