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Unexpected Fiancée novel Chapter 87

Chapter 87: Monica Was Awake

Patrick's expression darkened as he held Jane firmly in his arms. He was determined to show her that he was more than just her contractual fiancé. Perhaps changing the dynamics of their relationship was what they both needed.

Jane struggled to break free from his grasp, her fiery spirit undeterred. "Let go of me!" she demanded, her voice filled with defiance.

"What if I don't?" Patrick countered, a cold smile playing on his lips.

The tension in the break room was palpable, the air seemingly freezing. However, the moment was interrupted by a knock on the door.

"Is someone in?" a voice from outside inquired.

Another voice joined in, impatiently complaining, "Who locked the door from the inside? Do they think the break room is their private space? This is ridiculous!"

Jane seized the opportunity to escape Patrick's embrace. "Let me go!"

She opened the door and left the room, brushing past the two employees who stood outside, dumbfounded.

"Isn't that Jane?" one of them asked, curious.

"Yes. Do you think she came here to hide because of the rumor? I guess she's guilty. I can't believe a murderer is working at this company. How dare she show up to work after what she did?" the other said, their judgment clouded by rumors.

A stern voice interrupted the gossip. "You two are fired!"

Startled, the gossiping women turned to find Patrick, the cold and imposing CEO, staring at them with a piercing gaze. The temperature in the room seemed to drop as he emanated an aura of authority.

Patrick left the break room, and the two employees were left stunned by the encounter.

Back at her desk, Jane received a call from Officer Bray, the police officer involved in her case.

"Hello, officer. To what do I owe this call?" Jane answered the phone politely.

"Monica is awake!" Officer Bray delivered the news with a serious tone.

"Really?" Jane responded, her interest piqued.

"Yes! As soon as she regained consciousness, we went to hear her side of the story. She insists that you pushed her into the lake," Bray reported, his voice even more serious.

Jane frowned slightly. She wasn't surprised by Monica's claims; she had expected Monica to lie, given their antagonistic relationship. It was ironic that the person she had saved was now trying to frame her.

"Thanks for informing me," Jane said, acknowledging the situation.

"Pending the completion of the investigation, you shouldn't leave Guavo. You can be summoned to the station at any time. Don't worry; we will uncover the truth," Bray assured her.

Jane nodded, understanding the necessity of cooperating with the investigation. "All right, officer."

Despite Patrick's efforts, the rumors surrounding Jane being an attempted murderer continued to circulate. Monica's allegations upon waking up had renewed interest in the story. Reporters gathered outside the hospital, eager to interview Monica, although they were denied access beyond visiting hours.

One reporter, however, managed to obtain Monica's phone number and placed a call.


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