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Wake Up! You’re My Ex Now (Cordelia) novel Chapter 101

Chapter 101 Some Problems 

People always said that pregnancy can make a woman a bit scatterbrained. 

Cordelia felt that she had indeed become a bit stupid. 

More precisely, the pregnancy seemed to make her drown in affection. 

That day, Imogen had undergone a minor cervical polyp procedure, while Cordelia had opted for an ultrasound to check on the baby’s development. 

Unexpectedly, Ben and Elijah had somehow gotten the news and arrived together. 

They stormed in, clearly under the impression that the two friends were there for some joint abortion procedure. 

Although neither of them was there for an abortion, Cordelia was indeed pregnant. 

When Cordelia found out that she was pregnant, she felt like she had just gone through a rollercoaster ride of emotions, not knowing whether to be joyful or sad. 

Fate really had a twisted sense of humor. 

Even now, she hadn’t made up her mind about whether to tell 

Elijah and his families about her pregnancy. 

“Cordelia, I haven’t asked you yet, but how did the checkup go that day?” Imogen asked, noticing that Cordelia seemed absent-minded while sipping her coffee. 

“Same old. It was fine,” Cordelia replied absentmindedly, poking at the small pastry in front of her with her spoon. 

“Really?” Imogen raised an eyebrow. “Then why have you been touching your belly so often lately?” 

“Have I?” Cordelia blinked innocently. 

“And also, the other day when you were at my place, you puked when you smelled the smoke,” Imogen pressed on. 

Cordelia placed her hand on her forehead. “It seems like I can’t hide anything from you.” 

“What? You’re really… pregnant?” Imogen suddenly stood up excitedly. 

“Imogen, can you not be so surprised?” Cordelia wished she could find a hole to hide in. 

“Oh my goodness, Cordelia, you’ve finally made it! Congratulations!” Imogen exclaimed. 

Then, she took out her mobile phone and was already planning to buy some gifts for Cordelia’s baby. 

Cordelia asked helplessly, “Imogen, can you please keep this a secret for now?” 

Imogen paused, realizing she had gotten carried away with her 


She nodded and said, “Cordelia, you’ve been waiting to have this baby for three years. You’ve always been living a tough life. This is your chance to reach a higher status now. Why hesitate?” 

Cordelia leaned on her hand, looking somewhat melancholic. “I admit that it might be because Elijah has suddenly become nicer to me, or maybe his grandfather said something to him. He’s treating me much better than before, but I still can’t completely trust him, and he feels the same way about me.” 

Imogen understood what she meant. 

It was, after all, a marriage without a solid emotional foundation, much like the situation she had with Ben. Therefore, she could understand Cordelia’s worries. 

“Cordelia!” Lamia’s cheerful voice came from the entrance of the 



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