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Wake Up! You’re My Ex Now (Cordelia) novel Chapter 102

Chapter 102 Cared About Her Feelings 

After bidding farewell to Imogen, Cordelia and Lamia rode together in a car back to Gideon’s place. 

“Cordelia, I’ve noticed that my brother has been increasingly stingy lately,” Lamia complained with a dissatisfied expression. 

“What’s wrong?” Cordelia looked at her, genuinely interested. 

Lamia pouted and smiled. “Today, Grandfather asked us to have dinner at his place. I thought I’d pick you up and go together, but my brother didn’t like the idea.” 

Cordelia blinked her eyes, and her heart gave a slight jolt. 

Indeed, Elijah had been quite clingy lately. 

Imogen mentioned that some people only realized what they had after losing it, and that was why there was a cooling-off period in divorce proceedings, to prevent couples from impulsively divorcing and later regretting it. 

However, Cordelia knew deep down that her attitude toward the divorce hadn’t changed. It was simply a matter of whether they negotiated an amicable separation or ended up in court. 

“Oh, by the way, there’s something I think you should know. At 

first, my brother had another potential marriage partner, and our two families used to be neighbors,” Lamia said mysteriously. 

Cordelia nodded, saying, “I think you mentioned that before.” 

Lamia seemed a bit embarrassed. “Well, back then, I didn’t like you very much and naturally thought that you couldn’t compare to Daisy.” 

Daisy Kingsley was Elijah’s childhood sweetheart. 

After learning that the Hansen family had arranged Elijah’s marriage, Daisy left the country, traveling the world but never returning home. 

Since they hadn’t had any private contact, Cordelia had gradually forgotten about her. But she didn’t expect Lamia to bring it up again. 

“So, is she back?” Cordelia asked calmly. 

“No, but I heard she still has feelings for my brother. Now that I’m on your side, I thought you should know,” Lamia explained. 

Cordelia looked at Lamia with gratitude, gently patting her head. “Thank you, Lamia.” 

Lamia beamed with delight. “You’re welcome!” 

They both returned to the Hansen Manor together. 

It wasn’t long before Elijah also arrived, and the family dinner 

officially began. 

Gideon raised his wine glass and declared in joy, “Today, we have good news to announce to all of you… 

“Baxter’s daughter-in-law is pregnant again! Haha…” 

Gideon’s hearty laughter echoed throughout the dining room. 

Cordelia couldn’t help but notice the bitter smiles on the faces of Gabe and Edith. 

Baxter’s family once again had another exciting news. Although his daughter-in-law miscarried twice, the good news could still make Gideon very happy. 

But on the other hand, Cordelia had never been pregnant, and Gabe and Edith were struggling to maintain their composure. 

Elijah, meanwhile, continued eating his meal as if the news had nothing to do with him. 

Lamia, on the other hand, kept sending Cordelia meaningful glances, indicating that she needed to do something about the situation. Otherwise, their family’s status might be in jeopardy. 


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