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Wake Up! You’re My Ex Now (Cordelia) novel Chapter 119

Chapter 119 Meeting Elissa

Cordelia frowned, glanced in that direction, and suggested, "How about we go to another place to shop first?"

"What's there to be afraid of? She's just a wretch from a fallen family now," Imogen scoffed.

Cordelia blinked, realizing that a lot must have happened recently that she wasn't aware of.

"I heard from Ben that your husband is quite ruthless. Lately, he's caused heavy losses to Elissa's family," Imogen said with a smile.

"Oh? Then what about Ben?" Cordelia asked curiously.

"Him? What can he do? On one side, there's his buddy, whom he can't afford to offend, and on the other, there's the unattainable woman he pines for. Caught in a dilemma, he might as well just play dead!"

Imogen said, a mocking smile playing on her lips.

At that moment, Elissa noticed them from a distance and immediately set down the items she held, walking over to them.

"Mrs. Hansen, I heard you're pregnant. Congratulations." Elissa's smile was enchanting, but her eyes carried a hint of disdain.

"Thank you," Cordelia replied, handing the selected baby clothes to a nearby attendant. "I'll go check out now. Excuse me."

As Cordelia was still paying, a quarrel erupted between Imogen and Elissa.

"You wretch, what else can you do besides pestering Ben? Take a good look at yourself. The ugly is always the most malicious!" Elissa said arrogantly.

Imogen, on the other hand, wore a mocking smile. "Miss Flores, it seems you have a hormonal imbalance lately, aren't you? Of course, Ben stays in my bed every night. No matter how much you call him, he won't leave. It must be unpleasant to be alone in an empty room, right?"

Cordelia approached, listening to their intense exchange, and couldn't help but frown.

At this rate, they would likely come to blows again.

As expected, Elissa swiftly and accurately slapped Imogen across the face.


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