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Wake Up! You’re My Ex Now (Cordelia) novel Chapter 120

Chapter 120 I Deliberately Didn't Fight Back

At this point, Imogen approached with one side of her face covered, looking at the disheveled Elissa on the ground with a sneer of disdain.

"All you know how to do is bully the weak. For today's incident, you're in for a greater punishment. Brace yourself for Elijah's wrath! Hahaha..."

Cordelia, who had been quite serious, couldn't help but laugh at Imogen's antics.

"You two... Just you wait!" Elissa fumed, shaking with anger.

Cordelia, who had initially intended to leave, halted when she heard Elissa's words. "Alright, I'll wait right here for you!"

Seeing Cordelia approach again, Elissa struggled to sit up and hastily backed away. "Stay away from me. You..."

Finally, mall security arrived, and Imogen tugged at Cordelia's arm. "Let's go, so we don't have to deal with more trouble. It's better to leave before Elissa calls for backup."


Cordelia wasn't one to engage in fights, primarily because she found the aftermath troublesome. She preferred resolving matters through words rather than actions.

"Cordelia, it's been a while since I've seen you fight. How come your moves are still so cool?" Imogen playfully complimented.

"I didn't need to throw her that hard, but I was afraid if I didn't hurt her enough, she would continue to struggle and potentially harm my baby," Cordelia calmly explained, as if she had everything under control.

Imogen sighed in agreement, then slapped herself on the face.

Cordelia quickly reached out to stop her. "Hey, what are you doing?"

"How could I forget about your pregnancy? I deserve that slap!" Imogen anxiously asked, "Are you feeling alright? Is there anything uncomfortable?"

Cordelia smiled, "No worries. Both the baby and I are healthy. Considering my previous level of physical activity, I can still go for runs and exercise without any issues."

Imogen widened her mouth, and it took her a moment to find her voice again.

"Imogen, your face is swollen. Do you need to deal with it?" Cordelia asked with concern.

Imogen felt a bit embarrassed. "It's okay. You saw it, right? I deliberately didn't fight back today."

Cordelia shook her head disapprovingly. "By sacrificing yourself like this, Ben might not necessarily show you any compassion. Why put yourself through that?"


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