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Wake Up! You’re My Ex Now (Cordelia) novel Chapter 122

Chapter 122 He Was Incredibly Gentle

Cordelia was puzzled. "What have I hidden from you?"

"You've never told me that you know combat skills." Elijah looked at her playfully.

Cordelia looked slender. It was quite difficult to associate her with violence.

"Couldn't you guess it? If I hadn't known some basic self-defense techniques, I might have lost my innocence to the shady taxi driver last time. I do have some basic self-defense skills," Cordelia said casually.

Seeing her nonchalant demeanor, Elijah smiled and held her hand a bit tighter.

"You said you saw it yourself just now? Did you access the mall's surveillance footage?" Cordelia asked in a seemingly nonchalant manner.

She couldn't fool herself because she did care about Elijah's perception of her.

She didn't want her carefully crafted image of being well-behaved to crumble, becoming a subject of ridicule for the Hansen family, a topic for post-dinner conversation...

"Yeah. I saw it from the surveillance footage," Elijah said. Sensing her attempt to hide her nervousness, he patted her head. "Elissa overestimated herself and courted disaster. Even if you didn't deal with her, she wouldn't have an easy time."

This time, Elissa had gone too far, completely angering Elijah.

However, Cordelia had no sympathy for her at all.

Her provocations eventually turned into a blade aimed at her!

"However..." Elijah continued, his tone light and exceptionally gentle, "I did feel worried about you while watching the video. What if you couldn't protect yourself back then?"

He held her in his arms as he spoke and gently caressed her belly. "It was too dangerous today."

Cordelia obediently allowed herself to be held by him, feeling conflicted inside.

Elijah's attitude towards her had changed significantly lately, almost as if he had become different.

He was incredibly gentle.

Gentle to the point that Cordelia couldn't help but let her thoughts wander. Perhaps Elijah had developed some feelings for her too...

But on second thought, if she hadn't suddenly become pregnant, things might be as usual.

Looking at it from a pessimistic angle, she was now just a reproductive tool to the Hansen family.

If it were another woman, Elijah might similarly treat her too!


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