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Wake Up! You’re My Ex Now (Cordelia) novel Chapter 127

Chapter 127 Jealousy

It was Cordelia's choice to decide her life. No matter how highly Ivan spoke of her, he had no right to make irresponsible remarks.

Imogen smoothed things over with a smile. "Cordelia is self-disciplined. Even if she has a baby, nothing will be changed. Ivan, you worry too much."

Ivan nodded resentfully, and his eyes full of disappointment.

Back then, Cora was the dance genius that her instructor valued most. Unexpectedly, she was lovestruck and got married and pregnant at a young age.

However, Ivan felt sorrowful and even a little bitter.

Elijah suddenly said, "It's getting late. Cordelia, it's time for us to go back and give the baby prenatal education."

Cordelia nodded and then smiled at Imogen and Ivan, "Today's performance was very exciting, and it glutted my eyes. I hope to see you two cooperate again."

Ivan looked at Cordelia. "Cora, I will wait for you."

At his words, the atmosphere suddenly changed.

Cordelia sensed the change in Elijah's mood, so she said, "We have years ahead of us. There will be opportunities to cooperate."

After finishing speaking, Cordelia pulled Elijah away.

Imogen looked at Ivan with admiration. "Ivan, you are so brave. Do you know who Cordelia's husband is?"

"No one should hold Cora down. She's so talented..." Ivan said sadly.

Imogen didn't want to stimulate him.

She was Cordelia's best friend. Only she knew that Cordelia danced for fun, but she had become a legend in the dance world and an eternal heroine in the eyes of the audience.

Cordelia was involved in many fields. She didn't have much energy to dance.

After all, Cordelia said that a woman couldn't have only one job.

What she said had inspired Imogen to get out of the darkest stage of her life.

The atmosphere in the car turned sour.


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