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Wake Up! You’re My Ex Now (Cordelia) novel Chapter 128

Chapter 128 Show Off

It might be too sudden.

Cordelia's performance was beyond Elijah's expectations, so he didn't know what to do.

She propped herself up, leaned over like a cat, and kissed him on the cheek.

After that, she looked up at him with tears in her eyes.

Elijah took Cordelia into his arms and murmured, "Cordelia, do you want the stars in the sky? I'll pick them and give them to you."

Cordelia's heart was beating wildly.

Elijah's voice was very soft, but every word he said made her heart pound.

When it came to acting, she felt inferior.

So she pretended to laugh casually. "You are not angry now, are you?"

Elijah was stunned for a moment, then let her go and said lightly, "I don't need to teach you next time, right? You fool."

Cordelia leaned on his shoulder and closed her eyes tiredly. "You are a fool..."

She seemed to be asleep. Her long eyelashes curled and occasionally trembled slightly.

Elijah stared greedily at her delicate face. His eyes were deep, and the look in his eyes was unknown.

[Cordelia, do you remember the forest fire in Mount Damerel? Eason was on the scene.]

[Eason hides a lot of secrets, including his feelings for you. He may be afraid of causing trouble to you.]

[I hope you can think about it carefully. He has been waiting for you.]

The messages that Adam sent to Cordelia were like a thorn in Elijah's flesh. He thought of them from time to time.

Although Elijah deleted those messages at that time, he guessed that Cordelia must have known about them later.

Thinking of those words, Elijah became irritable.

When the car stopped, Elijah carried Cordelia back to the bedroom.


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