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Wake Up! You’re My Ex Now (Cordelia) novel Chapter 150

Chapter 150 Have My Back 

Edith raised an eyebrow. Her eyes widened suddenly, clearly showing signs of anger. 

She glanced at Gabe, who, on the other hand, seemed disinterested and had turned his attention to the fish in the aquarium in the living room. 

Edith let out a cold humph. “This is your grandfather’s wish, Elijah. You should know that when he sets his mind to something, no one can stop him.” 

Cordelia frowned. 

She was well aware of Gideon’s stubbornness and determination. 

But what difference would it make if they found out the baby’s gender early? Would they expect her to terminate the pregnancy if it turned out to be a girl? 

Elijah, however, sneered, “I protect the woman I care about, and no one can harm her.” 

Cordelia was taken aback, even somewhat frightened. 

She couldn’t help but wonder why he was so determined. 

At this point, Edith turned her sharp gaze toward Cordelia. 

“Cordelia, you’re a sensible girl. Can you fulfill your grandfather’s wishes?” 

Elijah stood in front of Cordelia, ready to protect her. “Don’t intimidate Cordelia. She listens to me.” 

Cordelia looked up and saw Elijah’s towering figure guarding her. Regardless of his intentions, she appreciated his gesture. 

But Edith wasn’t one to give up easily. She walked around the coffee table and came to Cordelia, taking her hand. 

“Cordelia, don’t mind Elijah. I’d like to hear your thoughts.” 

Elijah was about to intervene, but Cordelia softly spoke, “I won’t go through a check-up, but you can tell Grandpa that the baby is almost certainly a boy.” 

Edith’s previously furrowed brow relaxed. “Cordelia is sensible, indeed. All right, sweetheart, let’s go,” she said to Gabe. 

Cordelia sat down on the sofa. “Mom, Dad, I’m a bit tired. I won’t see you off.” 

“You don’t need to see us off. Rest well,” Edith replied as she headed toward the door and left without further ado. 

Elijah watched Edith’s departure, his cold aura lingering. 

Cordelia gave Elijah’s hand a gentle squeeze. “Elijah, thank you.” 

He blinked and turned to look at her. Their eyes met, and Cordelia wore a warm smile. 

At this moment, she sat obediently on the sofa, looking up at him with an expression that was particularly endearing. 

Elijah gradually let go of the intense aura and took a seat beside Cordelia. He allowed her to rest her head on his thigh. “From now on, if my mom gives you a hard time, just let me know,” Elijah said. 

Cordelia teasingly asked, “So, are you going to have my back from now on?” 

Elijah explained patiently, “I know my mom well. She likes to be in control of everything and can be quite dominant. She’s bound to give you a hard time.” 

“Oh, all right then. I’ll just cling to you in the future,” Cordelia replied playfully, not taking his words too seriously. 

Elijah suddenly sat up, surprising Cordelia. Before she could figure out what was happening, he held her face. 

“Cordelia, it’s been three years since I took over Hansen Group. By the end of this year or the next, I will definitely become the head of the family! 


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