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Wake Up! You’re My Ex Now (Cordelia) novel Chapter 151

Chapter 151 A Good Topic 

“Silly girl, did I scare you just now?” Elijah asked. 

Cordelia finally regained her senses and replied, “Well, I was actually afraid you might suddenly regret sharing all that with me and decide to silence me.” 

Elijah chuckled. 

“How come I never noticed how amusing you are?” 

Cordelia smiled. “Well, people tend to judge others by their appearance. I guess my beauty concealed my interesting character.” 

Then, Elijah burst into laughter. 

Cordelia had always been reserved, and people often considered her just a pretty woman and nothing else. She had grown used to it. 

Therefore, she had always been very low-key, hating being noticed and being focused on. 

Until she met Elijah. 

He shone brightly, like a star, and he was captivating.. 

Cordelia had started to work on improving herself, with the 

hope that one day she could stand beside him as an equal. 

She had struggled for so long that she was almost ready to give up. But now she felt that her dreams were slowly coming true. 

“You’re right. In the past, I only paid attention to your appearance. I should be punished,” Elijah said, still in a jovial mood. “Tell me, what’s my punishment?” 

Cordelia waved her hand dismissively. “How about twenty push-ups?” 

It was all in jest, but Elijah immediately got up, knelt, and proceeded to perform twenty proper push-ups. When he stood up, he wasn’t even out of breath. 

Approaching Cordelia, he asked, “I have a question for you.” 

“Well, say it.” 

“When you told my mom the baby’s gender just now, did you consider the consequences?” Elijah asked, his gaze intense. 

Cordelia blinked again, realizing that Elijah might suspect that she had said it on purpose to ease Gideon. 

And the reason why Edith was so aggressive was only because she had been pressured by Gideon. 

But in fact, Cordelia had already checked it, but she didn’t tell anyone about it. 

ng, she said, “You have my back. Why should I be 


Elijah’s gaze was suddenly filled with passion, and his mood improved greatly. 

He pinched Cordelia’s check and said, “Good girl!” 

Cordelia found it surprising that she could easily amuse him. 

Her comment had been quite casual, but it seemed to have made him very happy. 

“If Grandpa’s health were genuinely deteriorating, I would be willing to set aside some principles to make him happy. 

“But I’ve already checked his situation, and there doesn’t seem to be any major health issues. I don’t like how he relies on his status and old age to manipulate our younger generations.” 

Cordelia said sincerely with a serious look. 

Elijah nodded. “You’re right.” 

They had talked for a long while, and before they knew it, it was already getting dark. 


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