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Wake Up! You’re My Ex Now (Cordelia) novel Chapter 152

Chapter 152 I’ll Wash You Up 

As Cordelia sat at the dining table, her checks flushed, making her delicate features even more exquisite and beautiful. 

She sat there quietly like a doll, and it was hard not to want to claim her as one’s own. 

“How’s the food? Does it suit your taste?” Elijah hadn’t started eating yet, watching Cordelia take a few bites. 

Cordelia nodded. “It’s a bit too bland for my liking. I’m craving something spicy right now.” 

“I’ve heard that daughters take after their mothers. If you give birth to a little girl with a gentle temperament like yours, that would be perfect,” Elijah remarked as he finally started eating, keeping her company. 

Cordelia smiled gently and didn’t say much. 

She was afraid that when the baby was born, Elijah might be disappointed, but the elders of the Hansen family would likely be pleased. 

Elijah ate quickly, but after finishing his meal, he didn’t immediately leave the table. Instead, he waited for Cordelia to finish her dinner before heading back to his study to work. 

“Remember to let me know when you’re going to take a shower,” 

he reminded her. 

Cordelia smiled and replied, “I know. I’ll call you if I need anything.” 

Even though they had added an anti-slip mat to the bathroom floor, Elijah was still worried about Cordelia taking a shower alone. 

Feeling quite tired, Cordelia lay on the bed. Her eyelids were heavy, but her mind was surprisingly clear. 

She continued to reflect on recent events, trying to piece together everything that had happened. 

Perhaps she was looking for some sign that Elijah might have some feelings for her to comfort herself. 

However, the more she thought about it, the more she felt disheartened 

Or maybe she just didn’t dare to believe that he did have feelings for her. 

Elijah’s unwavering affection for Eva and his unconditional support didn’t mean that he had even the slightest feeling for her. 

Cordelia sighed quietly to herself, realizing that perhaps her hopes were in vain. 

In a daze, she seemed to be asleep. 

oll, she suddenly felt a cool sensation on her lips, 

like a scoop of ice cream, tempting her to take a bite. 

However, the mischievous ice cream came into her mouth, but it seemed to playfully evade her every attempt to capture it. 

Cordelia felt her heart race in anxiety, and she opened her eyes abruptly to find Elijah kissing her. 

With a soft moan, she responded eagerly, wrapping her arms around his neck and engaging in a passionate exchange of kisses. 

It seemed that Elijah had been motivated by her response and became more fervent, as if he had no intention of stopping anytime soon. 

In the end, Cordelia was the first to surrender, panting heavily against his chest. 

“Have you finished your work yet?” 

“I have,” Elijah replied, rubbing her head. “The rest of my night belongs to you.” 

Cordelia’s heart raced, and she tried to appear calm. “But the time ahead is all sleep time for me.” 

“Then I’ll sleep with you.” Elijah pulled her closer, gently stroking her back. 

Separated by their thin nightclothes, he could still feel the 

smoothness and softness of her skin. 


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