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Wake Up! You’re My Ex Now (Cordelia) novel Chapter 154

Chapter 154 Having Dinner Together 

After going to Mount Damerel, Cordelia felt that her sickness had gradually disappeared, and she felt much better. 

The symptoms of the first trimester finally disappeared, and she began to enter the honeymoon period of pregnancy, the second trimester. 

Cordelia gradually started to do some work. 

One day, she went to the construction site to inspect the progress of the construction with Eason. 

As soon as Eason saw Cordelia, his brows were deeply furrowed all the time. 

Later, he asked, “Cordelia, why have you lost so much weight recently? Is it because of pregnancy?” 

Cordelia smiled wryly. “Yeah, I vomited whatever I ate before, and I couldn’t sleep well or eat well.” 

Eason frowned deeper. “Since pregnancy will make women so painful, I don’t want a child.” 

“You need to discuss this with your future wife. Maybe she likes children. It’s a good thing that you care about her body.” 

Cordelia chatted with Eason casually. 

“My wife?” Eason’s eyes were deep, and he laughed at himself. “I’m afraid I will never have a wife in this life.” 

Cordelia smiled, but she didn’t believe his words. 

Perhaps Eason hadn’t met a woman he liked, and when he met one, he would want to be with her. 

After leaving the construction site, Eason checked the time and said, “It’s getting late. Let’s have a meal together. There is a new Mexican cuisine restaurant in Beilve City. I heard it’s not bad.” 

Cordelia was a little tired. She wanted to reject Eason’s invitation and go back to rest. 

However, when she heard it was a Mexican cuisine restaurant, she became interested immediately. 

The two went to the restaurant together. 

Because it was a temporary idea, they didn’t book a box in advance. They found a window seat and sat down. 

Cordelia was reading the menu when her phone rang suddenly. 

She picked up the phone, and Elijah’s magnetic voice immediately entered her ears. 

“I deliberately turned down the meal tonight and went home to have dinner with you.” Elijah’s tone was flat, but Cordelia could 

tell that he was complaining. 

Cordelia looked at Eason and asked a little embarrassedly, “Eason, do you mind if I invite Elijah here?” 

Eason said lightly, “It’s up to you. I’m fine.” 

Cordelia smiled at Eason. When she wanted to tell Elijah, she wondered if he liked Mexican cuisine, so she said, “We cat Mexican cuisine. Do you like it?” 

Elijah, on the other end of the phone, was anxious. “Of course, I like it!” 

Cordelia was amused by Elijah’s words, and she said, “Come and eat with us. We will wait for you. 

After hanging up the phone, Cordelia explained to Eason, “I originally planned to go back to have dinner with him, but I changed my mind temporarily…” 

“It’s okay. Let him come, lest he will think too much,” Eason said generously. 

Cordelia smiled gratefully at Eason. “Eason, you are so kind.” 


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