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Wake Up! You’re My Ex Now (Cordelia) novel Chapter 155

Chapter 155 I Will Wait for You 

Was it because she was too infatuated with Elijah? 

Cordelia retracted her gaze, pretending that she didn’t see Elijah, and continued to cat. 

Because the food was a little spicy, her lips were bright red. 

“Honey,” Elijah said. 

His voice was light and pleasant. Although it was not loud, the guests at the surrounding tables could hear it. 

Cordelia stood up and gave Elijah her seat, and she moved inside. 

At this time, two girls among the guests at the table behind them started whispering, 

“It turns out that they are not a couple. They look like a good match!” 

“It’s better that they are not. You can go ask the man’s phone number.” 

“No, that man obviously likes that woman. I don’t have the confidence.” 

Cordelia frowned, feeling a little disgusted by their words. 


Is Read and looked at Eason with a half-smile. “Mr. Holland, you know Cordie’s taste very well. You find a restaurant she likes.” 

Hearing the sarcasm in Elijah’s words, Eason’s eyes were complicated. 

He smiled lightly and didn’t deny it. “Yeah, I have similar taste as Cordelia, so I took her to have a try when I learned there is a new restaurant.” 

Elijah’s eyes became colder. 

He glanced at Cordelia from the corner of his eye. Seeing that she was still eating, as if what happened had nothing to do with her, Elijah became even angrier. 

Cordelia suddenly asked Elijah with concern, “These dishes are spicy. Do you want to order other dishes?” 

Elijah was upset, but he said calmly, “No, it’s fine.” 

Cordelia looked at him suspiciously, feeling that he was a bit stubborn. 

However, she knew that Elijah was a proud man, and he couldn’t tolerate losing to others no matter what aspects, so she didn’t persuade him anymore. 

Later, Eason got up and went outside to answer the phone. 

As soon as he.lell, Elijah tilted his body and fell on Cordelia’s shoulder. 

Covering his stomach, he was sweating, and his face was ugly. 

“What’s wrong? Are you feeling unwell?” Cordelia asked anxiously. 

“I have a stomachache,” Elijah said. 

Elijah felt that his stomach was on fire, and it was very uncomfortable. 

Cordelia felt helpless in her heart, but she didn’t dare to show it, so she put her arms around Elijah’s shoulders. “Stop eating, and I’ll cook soup for you when we go back, okay?” 

Elijah raised his head and kissed Cordelia on the cheek. “Thank you, honey.” 

There was a burst of laughter from two young girls behind them, which made Cordelia feel extremely disgusted. 

At this time, Eason came back. Cordelia hurriedly pushed Elijah and told him to sit straight. 


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