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Wake Up! You’re My Ex Now (Cordelia) novel Chapter 156

Chapter 156 It's My Fault

On the way back, Elijah was unusually quiet.

Cordelia covered his stomach with her hand, feeling a little annoyed and guilty. "It's my fault. I shouldn't have asked you to come here."

Although she knew that Elijah became like this because he was stubborn, she didn't say anything so as not to quarrel again.

Showing weakness sometimes was not her tactic. She was just afraid of causing trouble now.

Elijah suddenly put his arms around Cordelia's waist and hugged her tightly. "Cordelia, I don't want you to stay with him alone."

Cordelia was stunned. She blinked and said, "How about I take an assistant with me when I talk about business?"

"That's good," Elijah reluctantly agreed.

He hoped Cordelia wouldn't meet Eason again.

"I have a stomachache." Elijah buried his head in Cordelia's shoulder, his tone aggrieved.

Cordelia gently patted his head and comforted him. "I know. I will make soup for you when we get home, and you will be fine after drinking it."

Hearing Cordelia's words, Elijah became quiet.

Cordelia looked out of the window in a daze and kept stroking Elijah's hair with her hand.

His hair was stiff.

Her grandma said that people with stiff hair often had bad tempers.

Elijah's temper was indeed not good, but he could control it.

Their relationship had improved now because of the child.

They also knew each other more and more gradually.

Elijah was not as perfect as Cordelia imagined before, but he was more real.

There wasn't a perfect person in this world. What Cordelia fell in love with at first was just a person who was pieced together from his appearance and some of his deeds she heard from others.

Moreover, the love for a person was time-limited.

Now, her feelings for Elijah were not as crazy as they were when they were hidden in her heart.

Instead, she guarded against and speculated him now.


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