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Wake Up! You’re My Ex Now (Cordelia) novel Chapter 161

Chapter 161 Don't Run Away

Lamia also laughed loudly.

Compared to the two of them, Cordelia was calmer.

"What happened later? Did Ben go to find you?" Cordelia asked.

Imogen stopped laughing and said, "Yeah, he came to ask me for a birthday gift. I didn't prepare for it, and then..."

"What happened?" Lamia asked eagerly.

Cordelia said, "Imogen hasn't gotten out of bed yet. What do you think?"

Lamia blushed immediately.

She said, "Cordelia, I didn't expect you to be so experienced!"

Cordelia smiled politely and patted Lamia's head. "It's fine to know it in your heart, and don't need to say it out."

At this time, Elijah came.

Cordelia immediately said goodbye to Lamia and Imogen and left the house.

On the way, Elijah said to Cordelia, "Tomorrow I will take Ottilie to Tarssa City. You rest at home and don't go out."

Cordelia looked at him suspiciously. "Can't I even go out? You are too domineering, Mr. Hansen."

Elijah looked serious. "I'm worried about you."

"Are you worried about me, or that I will go out to see others?" Cordelia asked Elijah as if seeing through him.

Elijah frowned but did not speak.

"I'm asking you!" Cordelia deliberately said.

Elijah hugged Cordelia in his arms and kissed her hard on the lips. "You know it!"

Cordelia giggled coquettishly and explained, "Didn't I promise you before? I will bring my assistant with me when I talk about work."

Elijah pursed his lips. Obviously, he was still not happy.

Anyway, if he wasn't in Beilve City, he would be worried about Cordelia.


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