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Wake Up! You’re My Ex Now (Cordelia) novel Chapter 162

Chapter 162 Don't Be Shy

Early the next morning, Elijah took Cordelia and Ottilie to Tarssa City.

Because she got up too early in the morning, Cordelia was sleeping along the way.

Since she was pregnant, she needed more sleep.

Seven or eight hours of sleep was enough for others, but she needed more than ten hours a day.

Even she herself felt that she was about to become a dog or a cat.

Ottilie and Lamia were arranged by Elijah in another car. Elijah said that he was afraid that they would disturb Cordelia's sleep.

When Cordelia woke up, they were about to arrive in Tarssa City.

As Cordelia covered her mouth and yawned, she looked at Elijah.

Elijah was sitting upright and working with a pad in his hand.

He asked, "Are you hungry? Do you want something to eat?"

Cordelia shook her head. "No."

However, her stomach made a "gurgling" sound, which seemed particularly abrupt in the small space.

Cordelia was taken aback for a moment, and her face turned red immediately.

Elijah chuckled and took out the prepared dessert from the incubator beside him. He handed it to Cordelia and said, "You can eat when you're hungry. Don't be shy."

"I'm really not hungry," Cordelia stammered.

Elijah pinched her face and said, "Your body is much more honest than your mouth."

Cordelia choked and suddenly fell silent.

Why did her stomach make noise at this time?

She obediently took the dessert and ate it.

With a smile, Elijah propped his head with one hand and watched Cordelia eat slowly.

"I'll leave the car and the driver to you. You can go shopping with your friends," Elijah said.


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