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Wake Up! You’re My Ex Now (Cordelia) novel Chapter 167

Chapter 167 I Don't Need You

Gabe stood aside, looked at Elijah seriously, and scolded him coldly, "If it wasn't for you, how could this happen to Cordelia? Fortunately, she is fine. If there is something wrong with Cordelia..."

"Dad, Mom..."

Hearing Cordelia's voice, Gabe and Edith turned around together and walked quickly to Cordelia's bed.

Edith wiped her tears with a tissue and said, "Cordelia, why is your life so hard..."

It was rare for her mother-in-law, who had always been strong, to speak in such a tone, which made Cordelia feel apprehensive.

Gabe put his arms around Edith's shoulders and comforted her. "It's good that Cordelia is fine. Fortunately, she is young and will recover soon after recuperating her body."

Edith looked at Cordelia with pity, moved her mouth, but finally failed to say the cruel sentence.

But Cordelia had guessed it.

The whole Hansen family must know about it.

She lost her fertility!

Cordelia showed a forced smile and comforted her in-laws. "I know, Dad, Mom. Don't worry about me. Watch out for your health."

Seeing Cordelia having difficulty speaking, Gabe and Edith didn't stay long and left.

Before leaving, Edith gave Elijah a vicious look. That look definitely didn't look like looking at her own son but at an enemy.

Elijah remained silent from the beginning to the end.

After his parents left, he came to Cordelia's bed and sat down. The place on his face where Edith had beaten him was still red.

Just as Elijah was about to speak, Cordelia suddenly asked, "Is Miss Lewis awake?"

Elijah was silent for a long time before saying, "She wakes up. She just overdosed on sleeping pills and is fine after the gastric lavage..."

Cordelia didn't want to hear so much, so she interrupted him, "It's good that she wakes up. What about the driver who hit me?"

"He has been detained and will be sentenced according to law," Elijah said.

Cordelia was silent, turned her eyes to look out the window, and said to Elijah, "Can you make a call for me? The phone number is..."


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