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Wake Up! You’re My Ex Now (Cordelia) novel Chapter 168

Chapter 168 I Don't Want to See You!

"Cordelia, you know I don't have any other thoughts about Eva, not even the slightest bit. I wouldn't see her if everything was fine about her."

Elijah explained in difficulty. At this moment, he felt that his words were too weak.

No explanation could change Cordelia's current situation.

Just listening, Cordelia said quietly, "I know, I still know that when you heard that something happened to her, you didn't even want to waste the time to tell me, and you rushed to her side in a hurry.

"She is your benefactor's only close sister. She is a disabled person and needs you more. You go! Go to her side!"

Elijah stared at her blankly and murmured, "No..."

Cordelia's eyes gradually turned cold to the extreme. "You cheated me during my pregnancy, and you can even have an affair with the disabled. You are not picky! Get out! I don't want to see you!"

Elijah looked at Cordelia incredulously. "In your eyes, am I this kind of person?"

Cordelia calmed down now. Of course, she knew that the audio might have been dealt with and forged.

However, she was in such a miserable situation now. Why did she try to find an excuse for Elijah?

She didn't have that kind of thought and didn't want to continue entangled with him.

In the face of life, everything was trivial, even what people called great love.

Cordelia looked straight at Elijah indifferently and said, "That's right. In my eyes, you are no different from other men. You made the mistakes men are prone to make, and you are no exception."

Elijah's eyes were dim, and he stared at her for a long time. "I will prove my innocence!"

Cordelia laughed mockingly.

"So what if you prove it? The child is gone! It's gone!" Cordelia suddenly shouted out with all her strength.

Her tears slid down the corners of her eyes like broken beads.

Her heart hurt.

She kept thinking, "What did I do wrong? Why put me through this? Why?"

Elijah was shocked by her words.


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