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Wake Up! You’re My Ex Now (Cordelia) novel Chapter 170

Chapter 170 I Don't Want to Make Things Terrible

Cordelia raised her eyebrows. "What are you thinking?"

Imogen said sincerely, "Maybe he beat himself up again, deliberately making you feel sorry for him."

Cordelia was speechless for a moment.

Elijah was not such a boring person.

"Is it possible that, when they got into a physical altercation, he intentionally let him be beaten in the face by them?"

Imogen thought about it seriously and nodded.

After that, she came close to Cordelia and hugged her gently. "Cordelia, everything will pass."

Cordelia silently closed her eyes.

Yes, everything would pass.

"To tell you the truth, when things happened to my family, I thought my whole life was ruined.

"But I made it through. Cordelia, you can do it too."

As Imogen spoke, she felt a little depressed. She feared being seen by Cordelia, so she kept hugging her.

After a long time, Cordelia chuckled, "Okay. You used too much force. Have you gained weight recently?"

Imogen stood up abruptly. "How could you say that I gained weight? I haven't eaten staple food for half a month, okay?"

"Woo, you look so determined!" Cordelia smiled.

Imogen puffed up her cheeks in anger.

Cordelia stretched out her hand, took Imogen's hand, and murmured, "Imogen, do you know? At that time, I tried my best but couldn't keep my baby in the end..."

"Cordelia..." Imogen couldn't hold back her tears and finally burst into tears.

"The doctor said that the baby has already formed. It is a little boy, but because the baby and I suffered huge trauma, they had to resort to emergency labor induction."


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