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Wake Up! You’re My Ex Now (Cordelia) novel Chapter 171

Chapter 171 Divorce

Facing Elijah, Imogen was somewhat fearful, but for the sake of her friend, she still wanted to say it.

From Imogen's point of view, Elijah had a much better personality than Ben, and he probably could accept her opinions.

She was trying to seek happiness for Cordelia as a friend.

Elijah repeated thoughtfully. "No confidence and sense of security?"

Imogen knew that these straight men couldn't feel it at all.

So, she said patiently, "Yes, although Cordelia is excellent, she is timid and sensitive in her relationship. She is very unconfident and even more insecure when in love. I hope you can understand her."

Having said that, she felt that Elijah probably didn't understand.

But as an outsider, she could only say so much.

After sending Imogen away, Elijah returned to the ward, but Cordelia was already asleep.

He sat beside Cordelia's bed, staring at her sleeping face, and never looked away for a long time.

So, was it because she had no sense of security that she wanted to run away from him?

Thinking about it carefully, the first time she filed for divorce happened to be when Eva had just returned abroad.

So, he took out his cell phone and made a call.

"Ben, you're back in Beilve City, right? Do me a favor."

A week later, most of the bandages on Cordelia's body were removed.

She was also beginning to be able to get out of bed but not yet do regular exercise.

Only the nurse and Cordelia were there when Gideon came in with a sullen face.

Seeing that Cordelia lowered her eyebrows and called the person Grandpa, the nurse asked her and left sensibly.


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