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Wake Up! You’re My Ex Now (Cordelia) novel Chapter 178

Chapter 178 The Biggest Secret

Cordelia was stunned for a long time. Even though she knew Elijah didn't remember her at all, she still wanted to hear the answer from him.

Today, she finally did it and would have no regrets.

But Elijah felt a little incredible.

He held Cordelia's wrist tightly for fear she would disappear if he let go of her.

"Cordelia, how many things have you kept from me? You sentenced our marriage to death without telling me anything. You are too cold-hearted."

Elijah's eyes were stained with sadness.

The woman who often surprised him was holding a divorce certificate and was completely away from his life.

Cordelia smiled and said slowly, "Yes, I do have many secrets. The biggest secret among them is that I like you."

Elijah's eyes darkened in an instant. All his emotions poured out for a while, making it too late for him to hide them.

"Are you kidding me?"

Cordelia still wore a smile. "Isn't it funny? Can you let me go now?"

Elijah let her go slowly, looking at her with complicated eyes.

"You always say I have something to hide from you. What about you? How many things did you tell me about you? Mr. Hansen, you are too hypocritical."

While speaking, Cordelia put the divorce certificate in her bag.

"I think we should say goodbye now!"


Elijah caught up with her and asked, "When did you know me?"

"Five years ago," Cordelia said truthfully.

"Four years ago, I was drunk in Venco Hill. I hugged you and kissed you. Why didn't you come to me after that?" Elijah asked again.

"No need. We are not from the same world."


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