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Wake Up! You’re My Ex Now (Cordelia) novel Chapter 177

Chapter 177 Cut Loss in Time

Cordelia didn't change her mind. She looked calm and didn't say a word.

"If you are afraid of my grandfather, I promise I won't let him hurt you," Elijah said firmly.

Cordelia's eyes flickered, and she looked at Elijah, who had a cold side face.

After a long time, she said, "But Elijah, I don't want to risk my life anymore."

Elijah was stunned, with deep sorrow gradually overflowing from his eyes.

"I'm sorry. You may think I'm a coward, but this is who I am. I have paid a terrible price, and I don't want to pay more. I hope you can understand."

She had endured all the misfortunes by herself, and no one could replace her.

She had paid the price for her ridiculous first love, so she thought it would be the wisest choice to stop the loss in time.

Elijah asked with a frown, "So, you still don't think that car accident was an accident, do you?"

Until now, there was still no clue that Cordelia's car accident was planned by someone.

They couldn't even find the proof, so this reason couldn't convince Elijah.

Cordelia gave him a cold look and said, "Elijah, I thought you were a sensible person."

She didn't understand why he had to mention the suffering she just experienced at this time and challenge her patience.

Elijah was at a loss for words for a moment.

He knew he couldn't convince a woman who was determined to leave him.

It was his wishful thinking.

At this time, a staff member invited them in.

They had gone through the procedures once, so the processing speed was very fast.

But there was no waiting period this time.

Gideon had arranged everything a long time ago. It seemed he was desperate to let them divorce.

After getting the divorce certificate, Cordelia was relieved.

She stood up and walked quickly towards the door.


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