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Wake Up! You’re My Ex Now (Cordelia) novel Chapter 180

Chapter 180 Secret Love

Cordelia, who was ignorant of romantic love, was completely controlled by the man in front of her.

When his lips touched, she felt a thrill all over, and her brain went blank.

His kiss was very gentle, leading her to a new world.

While kissing, Elijah felt the intimacy was not enough and began to want more.

When Cordelia realized it, half of her dress had been taken off.

She came back to her senses, pushed him away, and ran away with a blushed face while adjusting her dress.

That night, Cordelia suffered from insomnia.

She tossed and turned all night without falling asleep.

As soon as she closed his eyes, her mind was filled with Elijah's handsome face and his skillful kissing.

She began to wonder how many girls he kissed...

Cordelia thought more wildly and couldn't fall asleep.

As for Imogen, she didn't return to the room all night.

At twelve o'clock in the morning, it was already dawn. Cordelia immediately sat up when she heard the sound of swiping the card to open the door.


Imogen froze while sneaking in. She looked at Cordelia with a smile. "Are you awake? I'm afraid I'll disturb you..."

"You have slept with Ben, right?" Cordelia asked curiously.

Imogen pretended to be calm and said, "I told you I'm going to try something new tonight. Of course, I'll have great fun!"

"Have great fun..." Cordelia repeated Imogen's words and murmured, "Alas. I'm too cowardly. I was scared last night and ran away."

Imogen smiled and waved her hands. "You and Elijah are different. You'd better not to be impulsive."

Cordelia was innocent at that time. She immediately put her regrets behind her after being comforted by Imogen.


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