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Wake Up! You’re My Ex Now (Cordelia) novel Chapter 181

Chapter 181 Had a Crush on Him

At this time, Ben got up and went out.

Elijah glanced at Imogen, thought for a while, and said carefully, "Miss Lopez, I remember you were also there during the trip to Venco Hill four years ago?"

Imogen immediately sat upright when Elijah asked her. "Yes, I went to Venco Hill with Cordelia."

"She said she knew me at that time, but I didn't know about it at all," Elijah said with regret.

"Mr. Hansen, how could you know? Cordelia is very good at hiding her emotions. I also met you with her in Venco Hill and found out from her that she has had a crush on you for a long time."

Imogen kept talking without noticing Elijah's stiff expression.

Suddenly, a shadow fell in front of her.

She raised her head in a daze and found Elijah looking down at her.

"What did you say? Say it again!" Elijah raised his voice and fixed his eyes on Imogen.

Imogen panicked and wondered if she had said anything wrong.

At this time, Ben came back.

Seeing the tense atmosphere between them, he felt something was wrong and immediately stepped forward. "What's wrong?"

"Shut up!" Elijah looked at him warningly and stared intently at Imogen. "Miss Lopez, repeat what you just said and make it clear!"

Ben stood in front of Elijah and said, "Sit back. You scare her like this. How can she have the guts to say it?"

Imogen gave Ben a thankful look and was quite satisfied with his help.

She was so scared and was lost for words.


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