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Wake Up! You’re My Ex Now (Cordelia) novel Chapter 183

Chapter 183 Refused to Let Her Go

Cordelia smiled and shook her head. "Mrs. Edith Hansen, don't say that. Elijah's future wife will be unhappy when hearing it."

In order to prevent Edith from saying anything more about her and Elijah, Cordelia quickly withdrew her hand, smiled politely at her and Nora, and went upstairs.

Looking at Cordelia's back, Edith muttered, "Nora, do you think Cordelia really moves on so quickly? Or she has found..."

Nora quickly said, "Madam, Mrs. Hansen can't get pregnant anymore and is miserable enough. She is being sensible."

Edith smiled wryly. "That's right. Cordelia is doing the right thing. Everyone is a pawn in the Hansen family."

Cordelia went upstairs and came to the bedroom.

The bedroom door was locked. Cordelia had the key but still knocked on the door. "Elijah, it's me."

"Come in."

Elijah's deep voice sounded from inside the room.

Cordelia immediately opened the door with the key and found the room was very dark.

She walked to the window. Just as she was about to open the curtains, she was pressed against a hot body behind her.

Elijah wrapped his arms tightly around her waist, greedily sniffing her unique scent on the back of her neck.

"Cordie, don't open the curtains."

Cordelia froze and then said, "Elijah, you may burn out your brain if you don't go to see a doctor."

Elijah laughed. "I'm an idiot and don't even know you have had a crush on me."

Cordelia pursed her lips with a complicated expression.

"Cordelia, are you very disappointed in me? Do you have no feelings for me now?" Elijah asked cautiously.

"Yes, I don't like you anymore."

To be precise, she couldn't afford to like him, and she didn't think it was worth it.


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