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Wake Up! You’re My Ex Now (Cordelia) novel Chapter 184

Chapter 184 I Will Pursue You Again

Elijah slept for a full four hours straight.

When he woke up, the high fever had already subsided, and he was dressed in new pajamas.

He sat up abruptly and shouted, "Cordelia, Cordelia..."

Nora stood at the door and called out from the other side, "Mr. Hansen, Ms. Graves is resting in the guest room! She hasn't left."

"Nora, come in," Elijah rubbed his temples and asked when she entered, "Has Cordelia been here the whole time?"

"No, Mr. Hansen. Ms. Graves, she..."

Elijah interrupted Nora displeasedly, "Why do you call her Ms. Graves? She will always be my wife!"

Nora smiled bitterly and whispered, "It's Ms. Graves who asked me to call her that. When I called her Mrs. Hansen, she said she didn't like it."

Elijah felt irritated but still managed to say patiently, "Alright, continue."

"Ms. Graves has been taking care of you all this time. She even changed your sweaty clothes. But she's also recovering from a serious illness and is weak. So I asked Ms. Graves to rest in the guest room."

"Enough," Elijah didn't want to hear anymore.

He understood everything now.

Cordelia wanted to completely distance herself from him.

He got out of bed, feeling a bit light-headed and unsteady on his feet.

Nora asked with concern, "Mr. Hansen, where are you going?"

"I'm going to check on her," Elijah said lightly.

While she was still here, Elijah wanted to look at her a little longer. If she left, it would be difficult to see her again.

Once the woman he used to be indifferent towards, now it was a luxury for him to even catch a glimpse of her, and he had to resort to feigning wounded in order to see her.

It was true that no one could escape the curse of the "law of attraction."


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