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Wake Up! You’re My Ex Now (Cordelia) novel Chapter 196

Chapter 196 He Is a Jerk

He had just left, and Eason appeared by Cordelia's side.

There was no way Elijah could convince himself that Eason wasn't intentional.

But he was far away from Cordelia.

He was so anxious now that he didn't want to do any work or anything at all.

Just then, someone knocked on the office door from outside.

Without waiting for his permission, the person pushed the door open and entered.

It was Gideon and the exquisitely made-up Daisy, with smiles all over their faces.

"Look, I knew Elijah was a workaholic and is working overtime again."

Daisy smiled sweetly towards Gideon with a hint of shyness. "Men should prioritize their careers! Sir Hansen, I think Elijah is doing well."

Gideon leaned on his cane and laughed. "Alright, you stay here and keep Elijah company. I've other matters to attend to. Make sure to take care of Elijah. He always neglects his health when he's working."

After saying that, Gideon swiftly left.

Throughout the whole time, Elijah never looked up at the two of them, nor did he greet either of them.

Listening to their talks and fabricated stories, Elijah could only coldly laugh in his mind.

After Gideon left, Daisy came to Elijah's side and leaned closer. "Elijah, are you hungry? Would you like to have some food?"

Elijah didn't move at all and said calmly, "You better leave now. I don't like being disturbed when I'm working."

Daisy pouted displeasedly, then sat down on the couch. "Fine, I'll just wait here for you."

Elijah didn't say anything more.

He had to deal with the accumulated three days' work tonight and didn't have time to chat with Daisy.


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