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Wake Up! You’re My Ex Now (Cordelia) novel Chapter 197

Chapter 197 Facebook Posts

On the other end of the phone, Imogen was indignant with furrowed brows.

Cordelia chuckled lightly and calmly said, "Anyway, he's no longer mine. Let him be! I don't want to always be affected by him. In that case, the divorce is meaningless."

Imogen blinked her eyes. "But Cordelia, it's highly likely that Elijah will continue to bother you. Aren't you even a bit angry?"

"Not at all! I'll just quietly watch him perform. No one can hurt me as long as my heart is calm like still water." Cordelia responded nonchalantly.

Just then, Eason suddenly said, "Cordelia, I'm glad you can think this way."

Upon hearing this deep and low male voice, Imogen's eyes widened, and she couldn't help but cover her mouth.

"It's Eason," Cordelia said, flipping the camera to face Eason.

So Imogen saw the handsome and resolute man sitting across from Cordelia.

"Mr. Holland?" Imogen had seen Eason before, but they hadn't interacted.

"You're Cordelia's best friend. Just call me Eason along with her." Eason said in a calm tone.

"Hi, Eason, nice to meet you. Cordelia lives alone outside and works hard. Please take good care of her." Imogen freely said.

"Of course." Eason smiled faintly, feeling that Cordelia's friend was quite straightforward.

Cordelia retorted unhappily from the side, "Hey, I'm quite capable, okay? I could handle the Hansen family well. And I can take good care of myself. Why do you make it sound like I'm delicate as a flower?"

Eason rarely saw Cordelia's lively and cheerful side, and he appreciated it, so he smiled without saying anything.

Imogen and Cordelia began bantering with each other, poking fun at each other's words. In the end, they laughed together.

Later, Imogen even asked for Eason's contact information, intending to add him as a friend.

"Alright, I'm going to take a shower now. I won't talk to you anymore! Goodbye, Eason!" Imogen said.


After that, Cordelia hung up the phone, still wearing a lingering smile on her lips.


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