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Wake Up! You’re My Ex Now (Cordelia) novel Chapter 201

Chapter 201 Pretentious

Elijah stood before the rustic wooden gate and said, "I'll come to pick you up when you get off work."


Cordelia replied with a faint smile. Then, she turned around and left.

Elijah watched her leave and couldn't help but smile.

After returning to the courtyard, Elijah took out his phone instead of having breakfast immediately. Ignoring the numerous missed calls and messages from people desperately trying to find him, he called his assistant.

"Mr. Hansen, where are you right now? Everyone in the company is looking for you."

"I'll be back tomorrow," Elijah said calmly, "Get in touch with an alternative medicine professor who can help me get started. I'll pay generously for private lessons."

The assistant went speechless.

As a result, rumors of Elijah falling ill gradually spread within the Hansen Group.

In the evening, the sky turned overcast.

Cordelia occasionally glanced out of the window, seemingly concerned about the possibility of rain.

Eason sat besides her, examining a prescription, but he also noticed her unease.

At this moment, Wren came over with an umbrella. "Evie, I'm leaving. You should go as well before the handsome guy waiting for you outside gets soaked in the rain. I saw him waiting for over an hour."

Cordelia was taken aback and then quickly stood up.

When she reached the entrance of the pharmacy, she realized that the raindrops had already begun to fall, and Elijah was standing across the street from the pharmacy without taking cover.

"Elijah, are you being foolish?" Cordelia pressed her lips and asked.

Elijah smiled faintly.

Yes, he was being foolish.

But he was willingly being foolish for Cordelia.

Cordelia sighed and went back inside to grab an umbrella. She said to Eason, "Eason, I'm leaving. Drive carefully on your way back."


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