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Wake Up! You’re My Ex Now (Cordelia) novel Chapter 202

Chapter 202 Number One Love Rival

Cordelia's voice made Elijah's ears numb, and his eyes instantly deepened.

He hugged Cordelia's neck and kissed her passionately under the umbrella.

He admitted that he was pretending. Elijah had never seen eye to eye with Eason and considered him the biggest rival of his love life.

Under the shelter of the umbrella, the two of them shared intimate kisses on the deserted rainy street.

"Cordelia, I slept in your bed today, and all I dreamed about was you," Elijah confessed.

Cordelia could hear his breathing become unsteady and heavier.

Of course, she knew Elijah wasn't lying. She even heard him calling her name in his sleep.

At this moment, Cordelia's heart raced, and she felt that Elijah was about to say something important.

She buried her face in his chest, slowly closed her eyes, and waited for him to continue.

However, she thought too much. Elijah didn't say anything else.

Cordelia felt a slight disappointment but also a sense of relief.

There was still time for her to figure out Elijah's true intentions of pestering her after they divorced.

Later, Elijah accompanied her to the entrance of her guesthouse and watched her go inside before leaving.

Cordelia took a shower and had just finished blow-drying her hair when she received a call from Gideon.

"Cordelia, I always thought you were a sensible and responsible girl. But in fact, you're simply relentless!"

As soon as Cordelia picked up, Gideon's voice came through the phone, stern and disapproving.


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