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Wake Up! You’re My Ex Now (Cordelia) novel Chapter 213

Chapter 213 Untitled

Cordelia nodded and said, "According to Sir Hansen, that is the case."

"What? Did the old man call you?" Milo asked very alertly.


Milo squinted and stroked his goatee while remarking, "Damn it, that old man is asking for a beating."

Cordelia shook her head quickly and said, "Milo, you have helped me a lot, and now, I want to do more for you."

So far, she hadn't done much for Milo.

After all, she had to learn life's lessons on her own and learn to brave through all storms.

Milo smiled with satisfaction and said, "Cordelia, you're such a grateful girl."

In the evening, Cordelia bade farewell to Milo.

After deliberating for a long time, she finally couldn't control herself and went to the Maple Villa.

When she entered, Nora greeted her immediately with a smile, "Ms. Graves, you are here."

Nora brought Cordelia into the living room, where she entertained her like a guest, served her refreshments, and then carried the ragdoll kitten out.

"His name is Cookie, and he is a pretty little tomcat."

Cordelia quickly took the furry kitten from Nora's hands. When she touched the cat, her heart was filled with a warm and fuzzy feeling.

She loved it greatly!

While Cordelia was petting the cat, Nora left for a while, and when she reappeared, she was carrying a document envelope.

"Ms. Graves, Mr. Hansen asked me to hand this over to you."

Cordelia freed up one hand, took the envelope and opened it, only to be stunned.

Elijah transferred the villa to her!

"Nora, what's this..."

"Ms. Graves, I'm only responsible for handing it over to you, and I don't know anything else," Nora hurriedly said as if she was afraid that Cordelia would refuse.

Cordelia smiled helplessly, and then said, "I mean, when did Elijah give you this thing?"

"Right after Mr. Hansen recovered from his illness last time. He told me to give this to you whenever you're here again," Nora said honestly.


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