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Wake Up! You’re My Ex Now (Cordelia) novel Chapter 214

Chapter 214 Always Blocked

Early the next morning, Cordelia received a call from Eason.

"Cordelia, I'm right below your place."

Cordelia was stunned.

"Eason, when did you come back?"

When they talked on the phone at noon yesterday, Eason was still inspecting the herb plantation in a small village near the mountains. He didn't mention the matter of coming back at that time!

"I just came back. I'll accompany you to Mr. Watts' house."

As she listened to Eason's calm words without any emotional fluctuations, Cordelia was filled with gratitude.

At the same time, it also made her feel a little uneasy.

Eason was so good to her that it made her really terrified.

However, Cordelia had to focus on the immediate matter at hand and didn't have time to think about it.

She tidied up briefly, then went downstairs with the medicine box on her back.

When she saw Eason, he was sitting in the car with his eyes closed.

When he opened his eyes, Cordelia could clearly see the blood vessels in his eyes.

"Eason, it's really hard on you to be running around like this," Cordelia said with concern.

"It's okay, I'm used to it." With that said, Eason got out of the car himself and opened the door for Cordelia.

At this moment, Elijah's voice came from a short distance away.


Cordelia was taken aback, and she looked out of the car window, only to see Elijah standing under the rising sun with two sets of breakfasts.

She quickly got out of the car again and walked towards him.

"Why are you here?" Cordelia asked casually.

"I wanted to have breakfast with you, but you're going out?" Elijah smiled with the same expression as usual.

"Yeah, I'm going to the doctor. You..."


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