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Wake Up! You’re My Ex Now (Cordelia) novel Chapter 218

Chapter 218 The One Who Should Leave Is Me

Elijah probably didn't expect that he would have embarrassed himself in front of Cordelia because he answered a call from an unfamiliar local number.

He suppressed the twitch at the corner of his mouth and calmly said, "Okay, I see."

After hanging up the phone, Elijah looked around nervously.

Cordelia tugged at his sleeve and chuckled, "Why are you embarrassed?"

"No, I'm not." Elijah raised an eyebrow and then awkwardly cleared his throat. "The other day, I accidentally flipped through your medical book and found it quite interesting. So, I wanted to learn more about it."

"Okay..." Cordelia nodded.

After saying that, she stood up to have dinner.

Unexpectedly, Elijah suddenly grabbed her hand.

Cordelia turned back, looking at him with suspicion. "What's wrong?"

"Well, I'm just worried that I won't be able to keep up with you in your professional field, so I want to learn a bit more."

Elijah awkwardly expressed himself, trying to appear arrogant but failing.

Cordelia found his expression similar to Cookie's.

He looked aloof yet wanted to be close to her, appearing arrogant but awkward.

Cordelia reached out and gently patted his head as if stroking a cat.

After that, she couldn't help but lean over, cupped Elijah's face, and kissed his cheek. "Let's go, time for dinner."

Elijah was momentarily stunned but then happily responded, "Okay!"

After dinner, Cordelia prepared to leave.

"You can stay. It's your villa," Elijah reminded her.

Cordelia also wanted to stay, but Elijah still lived here, so it wouldn't be appropriate for her to stay.


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