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Wake Up! You’re My Ex Now (Cordelia) novel Chapter 219

Chapter 219 I Won't Marry Anyone Else

Gabe nodded in agreement.

Both of them secretly thought, "It's a pity that Elijah and Cordelia's love relationship is interrupted by dictatorial Gideon."

"Then you leave!" Suddenly, Gideon raised his voice with full power.

Elijah squinted his eyes and gradually put away his indifference. He looked at Gideon coldly and said, "Grandpa, you should take care of your health at your age. Interfering in others' business and then getting angry is not good for your cardiovascular and renal systems."

"You're being impolite! How could you speak to me this way?" Gideon banged his cane on the ground.

Edith couldn't stand it anymore and reminded, "Gideon, this is Cordelia's villa, and Elijah is already an adult. You can't interfere in his affairs like this."

Gideon angrily exclaimed, "Spare the rod and spoil the child. It's all because you two spoiled him."

Gabe smiled and said, "Dad, then let me discipline Elijah. Your health is more important."

"You all..." Gideon coughed as he spoke.

His face turned red, and he started to gasp for breath.

Edith realized something was wrong and quickly said, "Oh no, Gideon is going to have an old illness attack."

"Hurry up, let's take him to the hospital," Gabe said hurriedly.

Cordelia saw that Gideon seemed to be having an asthma attack, so she quickly took out a bottle of spray from the medicine box and handed it to Edith.

"Mrs. Hansen, quickly spray it for Sir Hansen."

Edith's eyes lit up when she saw the spray. "Cordelia, you're always so thoughtful!"

As she spoke, she quickly sprayed it into Gideon's mouth.

After spraying the medication, Gideon's condition improved after a while, but his face looked ashen.

Edith earnestly said, "Gideon, you really have to take care of your health. If it weren't for Cordelia having medicine at home, you might..."


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