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Wake Up! You’re My Ex Now (Cordelia) novel Chapter 257

Chapter 257 Jealous Man

The person on the other side of the phone replied respectfully, "Ms. Price made a reservation at the hotel and invited Mr. Holland over, but Mr. Holland is still drinking in the box."

"Tell me what has happened tomorrow." After Elijah finished speaking, he hung up the phone.

His pupils showed he pondered at midnight.

He learned that Eason had never been close to women before.

But the woman Eason met today was Laura, who was excellent and good at seducing men.

Whether Eason accepted the invitation, the answer was exciting.

The next morning, Cordelia was awakened by a rush of phone ringing.

She glanced at the time. It was only seven o'clock, but the man beside her had disappeared.

"Aren't you too hardworking?" Cordelia muttered and picked up the phone. "Imogen, why did you get up so early today?"

"Cordelia, can you find a way to send me out of Beilve City? I can't take it anymore." Imogen's tone was low and serious, completely different from her usual laughing and joking.

"Why do you suddenly want to leave Ben? What happened?" Cordelia asked worriedly.

"He's so nasty!" Imogen said, choking up a little, "He's been living in the clubhouse for the past two days, and he's been fooling around in the clubhouse every night, with Elissa."

After Elissa was banned by Elijah, she had been hanging around in the clubhouse. Her job was called Senior Public Relations. But she danced for men who had fun in the club.

Cordelia felt a little nauseous all of a sudden.

"I don't understand why does he like the prostitute so much?" Cordelia sullenly said.

"The prostitute?" Imogen smiled bitterly. "The things she did were more disgusting. She can do everything to cheer her customers up!"

While saying that, Imogen began to cry, "I don't want to be touched by Ben. Her lip prints on his neck, and hickey marks on his chest..."

"Don't cry, Imogen. Let me think about it." Cordelia frowned. Her mind had already begun to work rapidly.


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