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Wake Up! You’re My Ex Now (Cordelia) novel Chapter 258

Chapter 258 Get Angry With Her

Elijah seemed angry with Cordelia.

At noon, Cordelia sent him a message, but he didn't reply at three o'clock in the afternoon.

Cordelia realized later that the silly man was angry.

Anyway, they were in a relationship now. It was normal for lovers to quarrel and get petty.

Cordelia didn't bother with him and sent another message.

Cordelia said: [Oh, where did Mr. Hansen throw the poor phone? His beloved girlfriend sent him a message!]

After the news was sent out, Cordelia read it again and couldn't help shivering.

"Ah! That's so nasty."

She rested her chin on her hands and began to think, "Why do I need to cheer him up? He was angry for no reason!

Ah. That's because I am very kind to him."

Their relationship had been going well, sometimes making her happy.

But she thought, "This man just said he likes me while making love. Can I believe it?"

Cordelia patted her forehead and cursed herself secretly.

At this moment, Elijah replied: [Working overtime tonight, I won't go home.]

Cordelia glanced at it, threw the phone away, leaned back on the ergonomic chair in her office, and crossed her arms.

"Ah, you're still angry with me, aren't you? If you don't come back, you just stay outside. I don't want to stay with you! Silly man!"

Just then, her cell phone rang.

Eason asked her to have dinner with him in the evening, and Cordelia agreed.

Eason got up from the studio to pick her up in the evening.


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