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Wake Up! You’re My Ex Now (Cordelia) novel Chapter 269

Chapter 269 A Secret

"No more. Elijah said that he is even more depraved than before," Cordelia said.

"Oh, that's okay. It has nothing to do with me," Imogen said, paused, and added, "It has nothing to do with me from now on!"

Cordelia sighed, "But Imogen, your career is all ruined."

Imogen choked with sobs, "Cordelia, there is one thing. I... I can't make up my mind."

"What?" Cordelia suddenly had a premonition.

"I... I seem to be pregnant," Imogen said, retching.


Cordelia was stunned for a long time before asking, "What are you going to do?"

"I want to keep it. Cordelia, I have been taking contraceptive drugs, but I am pregnant. I think this is a gift from God, and I want to accept it." Imogen smiled wryly.

Cordelia breathed a sigh of relief and said with a smile, "Great. Imogen, I want to be the child's godmother."

"Okay! Prepare a great gift!" Imogen smiled, too.

After hanging up the phone, Cordelia just knew her happiness and suddenly began to look forward to the new little life Imogen had.

While Cordelia was distracted, Elijah suddenly appeared behind her and hugged her slender waist.

"Why are you so preoccupied?" Elijah asked.

"A secret," Cordelia said with a smile.

Elijah glanced at her computer, and it happened to be an email sent by Eason.

Elijah straightened up, patted her head, turned around, and sat down on a seat beside her. "I have a business deal with you."


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