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Wake Up! You’re My Ex Now (Cordelia) novel Chapter 270

Chapter 270 What an Insidious Guy!

"Eason, are you angry?" Adam looked at Eason in surprise.

Eason, who would not even frown even if the world collapsed, lost his temper because of this trivial matter.

Adam was very curious about the reason.

In the end, Eason did not wait for Adam to ask and had already said the reason.

"Before, I mentioned to Cordelia that the first product launched by Elia Research Institute was the improved Rejuvenation Pill. Cordelia hesitated then and said that she had to think about it."

His tone was calm, and he had quickly managed his emotions.

Adam was surprised and said, "Could it be that she hesitated because of Elijah?"

"Mrs. Porter in Bloom City is a patient introduced by Elijah to Cordelia, and she introduced Rejuvenation Pill to her friends in Bloom City," Eason continued.

"What an insidious guy!" Adam said with anger.

Eason looked out the window with coldness but said calmly, "He is Cordelia's ex-husband and current boyfriend. It's normal for us to lose the game."

Adam said, "Eason, are you sure?"

He was aggrieved for Eason.

For Cordelia's happiness, Eason had already given in.

Now, even his career must be compromised?

Even Adam couldn't bear it.

"As for Cordelia, maybe we are her family, and Elijah is her partner. No matter which side makes money, she will not lose. That's fine!"

Eason said and closed his eyes. He tried his best to suppress the anger in his heart.

Adam looked at Eason's lonely back and had to sigh, although he had a lot to say.

At noon that day, when Adam suddenly called, Cordelia was placing medications in Elia Research Institute.


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