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Wake Up! You’re My Ex Now (Cordelia) novel Chapter 271

Chapter 271 I Am Not a Good Man

After that, they did not talk with each other.

After finishing dinner in silence, Elijah settled the bill and walked out of the restaurant with Cordelia.

"Are you angry?" Elijah asked suddenly.

"No. If I am angry, you can see it from my expression," Cordelia said lightly.

However, her mood at this time was indeed not very good, and she was a little worried about Imogen.

"What will happen if Ben finds Imogen?" Cordelia asked worriedly.

Elijah answered, "I have no idea."

Elijah and Ben indeed were good friends, but they rarely talked about women.

Cordelia suddenly hugged Elijah and said softly in his arms, "Imogen is pregnant. I'm worried about her."

Elijah was taken aback for a moment and cursed in a low voice, "Damn it!"

He immediately took out his mobile phone and called Ben.

Cordelia glanced at the number and remembered it.

She thought, "Ben is really cautious as my speculation. He has even changed his number."

"Did you find Imogen?" Elijah asked in a cold tone.

Ben answered, "Not yet."

"If you find Imogen, don't annoy her if you don't want to regret it," Elijah warned solemnly.

"How can I annoy her?" Ben asked Elijah because he felt confused.

"How long has it been since you had sex with a woman?" Elijah narrowed his eyes and asked.

Cordelia secretly covered her mouth.

Elijah was so frank.

Sure enough, Ben was silent over there.

After a long time, he said, "I got it." Then, he quickly hung up.


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