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Wake Up! You’re My Ex Now (Cordelia) novel Chapter 310

Chapter 310 The Past

"Cordelia, are you okay? How about I go over and spend time with you?" Imogen asked cautiously.

"Okay!" Cordelia smiled and said, "I knew you couldn't stand boredom at home."

"You got me."

So, the two went to shopping.

Tired of shopping, they went to a cold drink shop to eat ice cream.

Imogen held the ice cream with a happy smile.

"Cordelia, you are so kind to me that you allow me to eat ice cream."

"It's hot today. Even I feel very hot. You're pregnant with two children and must be tired and hotter," Cordelia said half-jokingly, "But you can't eat too much, you know that?"

Imogen nodded repeatedly. "Got it."

Imogen was happy to eat one ice cream. This was the first ice cream she had eaten since she was pregnant.

After she finished one, she said, "It's amazing. The feelings of nausea begin to lessen."

"You still can only eat one," Cordelia said with a straight face.

Imogen immediately became depressed.

She thought she could get another one.

At this moment, Imogen sharply saw Elissa walking by the window.

She quickly pulled Cordelia and said, "Cordelia, look. Who is Elissa with? The back doesn't look like Ben!"


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