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Wake Up! You’re My Ex Now (Cordelia) novel Chapter 311

Chapter 311 Catch You

"What?" Cordelia asked seriously.

"He just wanted to humiliate me, subdue me, and trample on my dignity." Imogen sniffed. Her eyes were slightly red.

"Okay, it's all over. Don't think about it." Cordelia saw her red eyes and felt a little sorry.

Maybe this was what they had to go through when they met someone they loved.

If they successfully overcame it, their life would be smooth and peaceful.

Later, the two went shopping and found a very good restaurant to have dinner together.

After ordering her meal, Cordelia took out her phone and took a look at it. She saw the message Clare had sent her.

[Evie, you misunderstood me. My original intention was to resolve the misunderstanding between you and Mr. Hansen. I didn't expect that I would cause you a deeper misunderstanding.]

[I admit that I do have a crush on Mr. Hansen, but I know that I am not a good match for him at all. I know I'm not good enough. I am lucky to be engaged to him, but I am always aware that all this is fake.]

[Evie, please give Mr. Hansen another chance. I just want to see you get back together. I will always pray for you.]

Seeing Cordelia staring at the phone for a long time and frowning, Imogen immediately came over and said, "What's wrong?"

When she finished reading all the messages Clare sent to Cordelia, Imogen looked disgusted. "That slut is so smart. She can always find suitable reasons to disgust you. Who does she think she is?"

Cordelia put away her phone calmly and said, "Yes, but fortunately, from beginning to end, I knew very well that I did not misunderstand Elijah."

"If he could have explained things clearly to me, I would have left and waited for him to deal with his family affairs. I could have really understood him."

Imogen snorted coldly, "That's right, so I think Clare is very strange. She probably feels bad after being scolded by Elijah today, so she just wants to make you uncomfortable as well."

"I'll just ignore her." As Cordelia spoke, she blacklisted Clare directly.


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