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Wake Up! You’re My Ex Now (Cordelia) novel Chapter 312

Chapter 312 Shouldn't Be Worried

Cordelia was reluctant to let Ben take Imogen away.

But seeing Imogen's determined look, Cordelia decided to believe that Imogen could handle her own affairs.

Today, after hearing about the past between Imogen and Ben, Cordelia felt that Ben still loved Imogen.

It was just that they had grudges when they were young, and Ben should have loved and hated her at the same time, but it was not a deep hatred.

Imogen was right. They had to walk their own way in the future, and Cordelia thought that she should let Imogen go.

But it didn't mean she would be at ease.

Cordelia didn't sleep well that night. She tossed and turned on the bed, and in the second half of the night, she stayed awake in a fit of anger and got up to kill time with her phone.

She found something interesting.

On her Facebook, there was a pharmacist from Undernet who went to attend an officially organized meeting.

At the banquet, this lady casually posted a few photos of the meal and selfies of herself.

Cordelia saw two familiar faces in the background of the photo, Elijah and Clare.

This meeting was held in Beilve City a few days ago. At that time, Elijah and Clare had just gotten engaged.

It was normal for them to appear together in public.

However, when Cordelia saw it at this time, she still felt uncomfortable.

When Clare looked at Elijah, her eyes were full of admiration and love that could not be concealed.

At that time, she should have been peeking at Elijah, but Elijah didn't notice and lowered his head while eating.

Cordelia suddenly remembered herself back then.

When she had a crush on Elijah, she was probably also so stupid, right? She always secretly peeked at Elijah and imagined their future.

That night, she was destined to be sleepless until dawn.


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