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Wake Up! You’re My Ex Now (Cordelia) novel Chapter 324

Chapter 324 It's a Cruel Choice

After being stunned for a long while, Ben came to his senses.

"You fooled me!"

Cordelia shook her head. "No, you're overthinking. In return, I can help you pass a message to Imogen. You can say whatever you want."

Ben said with disdain, "I have nothing to her. Let her eat on time, sleep well, and don't treat my children harshly."

After saying this, he turned around and left. His footsteps were hurried, but his back still looked arrogant.

Cordelia chuckled and returned to the room.

She sat on the sofa, picked up a glass of ice water, and sipped, thinking about what Ben had told her just now.

At this time, Imogen popped her head out in the stairwell.

"Did the bastard leave?" Imogen blinked and said with a smile, "My Cordelia is the most reliable."

"He asked me to pass on a message to you." Then, Cordelia cleared her throat, imitated Ben's gloomy tone, and said, "Let her eat on time, sleep well, and don't treat my children harshly. That's all!"

Imogen was stunned. Her expression changed in just a few seconds. In the end, she waved her hand disdainfully and said, "I think he has nothing to tell me!"

Cordelia looked at her with playful eyes but said nothing.

"He is a bastard. Last time, he insisted that my children were Adam's. But today, he said it's his children. Cordelia, is he insane?" Imogen said angrily.

Cordelia seriously analyzed. "You also said that he just looks for trouble. He wants to see you but doesn't want to show concern for you. He deliberately finds fault."

Imogen raised her eyebrows and widened her eyes. "Concern?"


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