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Wake Up! You’re My Ex Now (Cordelia) novel Chapter 325

Chapter 325 I Miss You So Much

Cordelia shook her head and sighed, "Truth will come to light sooner or later. I can't guarantee hiding you for the rest of my life. I'm sorry, Imogen."

"You don't need to say sorry to me. I'm too naive. He is Ben... He..."

Imogen murmured and couldn't help but touch her belly.

"Mothers are the best in this world. In taking care of children, mothers are better than fathers. There is an essential difference in the growth of girls and boys.

"I don't trust Ben to take care of my daughter. What can he do during her physiological period? Can he pay attention to her mental growth..."

Cordelia was speechless. Raising children was indeed a complex subject. She had no experience in this area and could not give Imogen any help.

However, she admired Imogen very much. Since she got pregnant, she had not been indecisive in every decision she made.

Cordelia knew well that each of those decisions required immense courage.

The two chatted for a while and went back to their rooms.

Before going to bed, Cordelia received a message from Elijah.

[I will go to Bloom City tomorrow and talk to you about the follow-up development of Elia Research Institute. The meeting time depends on your schedule.]

Elijah had been active in running his company recently.

In the morning, Milo mentioned the new prescription. Cordelia knew that Milo wanted to cooperate with Elijah.

Cordelia didn't quite understand what Milo's intention was. Didn't he not like Elijah before? Why did he suddenly help him?

She hoped that she was overthinking.

In the afternoon of the next day, Elijah arrived in Bloom City.

From his appearance, it seemed that he didn't even have a place to rest before he rushed to the company to talk to Cordelia about work.

After knowing the conditions which he offered, Cordelia was stunned.

She finally understood why Milo wanted to cooperate with Elijah.


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