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Wake Up! You’re My Ex Now (Cordelia) novel Chapter 349

Chapter 349 An Eye for an Eye

Daisy's expression froze, and she instantly lost the ability to control her expression.

"Elijah, why? Isn't my sincerity enough?" Daisy said excitedly.

"It has nothing to do with sincerity. It's just that I simply don't like you."

After finishing speaking, Elijah left with his arms around Cordelia.

"Elijah! Elijah..."

Seeing that the man didn't turn his head back, Daisy's eyes turned red.

"Damn Cordelia, damn it!"

After the two of them turned the corner, Cordelia frowned and looked sideways at him, reminding him to let her go.

Elijah smiled and let her go immediately.

"What? Why are you not happy?" Elijah asked with a smile.

"He admitted it." Cordelia suddenly said, "He actually admitted it for Elissa. I think he is hopeless!"

After hearing what Cordelia said, Elijah immediately stopped smiling, and his expression became serious.

Obviously, Ben's move surprised him.

"I'll talk to him again. I'll ask the driver to take you back, okay?" Elijah said softly.

"No, I'll take a taxi myself." Cordelia was in a bad mood, and her tone was not that good.

"Be good." Elijah patted her head, then sent her to the car and instructed the driver carefully.

Cordelia sat quietly in the back seat of the car, looking at the man outside through the car window.

In her heart, she couldn't help but sigh.


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