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Wake Up! You’re My Ex Now (Cordelia) novel Chapter 350

Chapter 350 Sleep With You Legitimately

After sending Silva's contact information to Imogen, Cordelia fell asleep.

That night, she slept very restlessly and kept waking up.

Later, she felt a little thirsty, so she got up and went downstairs to get some water. As a result, she found Elijah sitting on the couch in the living room in the dark.

Cordelia stepped forward quickly. "When did you come?"

Elijah looked at her, his eyes full of exhaustion. "I've been back for a while, but I didn't go up to sleep for fear of disturbing you."

"What? Are you going to sit here and sleep?" Cordelia glared at him, took his arm, and walked upstairs.

Suddenly, the man pulled her into his arms, and the strong smell of alcohol around her instantly enveloped Cordelia.

"Cordelia, are you angry tonight?" Elijah asked.

"Yeah." She whispered a syllable in a nasal voice, soft and short.

Elijah sighed, "What should I do to make you stop angry?"

Cordelia was confused. "What? Do you want to coax me? I can't be coaxed well now."

"Daisy and I met at a dinner party. I ignored her from beginning to end, but she was indeed shameless," Elijah explained.

Cordelia suddenly realized that he had misunderstood.

So, she pushed Elijah away and said, "Who said I was angry with you? Is Daisy worth it?"

Elijah raised his eyebrows, and a smile suddenly appeared on his lips. "Then who are you angry with? Ben?"

Cordelia looked away and didn't speak.

Elijah came up to her, leaned down slightly, looked at her level, and looked at her with a slight smile.

"Oh, what are you looking at?" Cordelia felt a little uncomfortable with him staring at him like this, so she quickly pushed him.


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